About Us


We meet on the:

First Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. (New time beginning in Aug)

Please check updates in the message marquee at the top of the page, concerning the next meeting each month.


Our organization comes together at Donelson Heights UMC (History note: the guild began at DHUMC in 1987), where we have show-and-tell, door-prize drawings, and many interesting and informative programs. Our members share an interest in quilts and quilted objects. In addition to sharing the accomplishments of experienced guild members, we seek to learn techniques, gain ideas from each other and encourage new quilters.

We also have a monthly Sit-n-Stitch on the third Thursday of the month, starting at 9:00 am. Bring a sack lunch, work on a scheduled project, or do your own thing!

The elected officers propose new projects and classes each year, and each month’s meeting brings fresh ideas to the group. Committee members share information about regional and local events related to quilting.

We volunteer to display our quilts, answer questions, and demonstrate quilting at Nashville events throughout the year. Many members are blue ribbon winners, accomplished instructors, and quilt shop owners. Beginner quilters are also right at home in our guild. New techniques and time saving methods are shared.

We share information about upcoming competitions such as the Tennessee State Fair, Wilson County Fair, and quilt shows organized by other guilds in Middle Tennessee. We are members of the Tennessee Valley Quilters Association. In 2017 our guild celebrated its 30th anniversary.

We welcome visitors, and would love to have you visit. Because of space limitations, we currently have a membership cap of 150. If you decide you would like to join, we still have membership slots available, so we are not on a waiting list at this ‘ time.

Guild Officers for 2024

President: Lezleigh Kleibrink

Vice President: Chris Jehle

Secretary: Becky Richardson

Treasurer: Sheila Schmaedig

Parlimentarian: Evelyn Mitchell

Committee Chairs for 2024

  • Bus Trips: Jennifer Johnson & Elaine Pedigo
  • Door Prizes: Judy Greer, Carol Ball and Jessie Elliott
  • Email: Joanne Schlichting
  • Fundraising: Hazel Bodner
  • Historian: Lezleigh Kleibrink
  • Hospitality & Membership: Kathy Powers and Vicki Sexton
  • New Members: Cheryl Moore
  • Hostess/Kitchen: Sylvia Ballard, Mary Kane and Teresa Prater
  • Nashville Regional Fair: Lezleigh Kleibrink
  • Newsletter: Vicki Sexton
  • Getting To Know You: Carla Hennessey
  • Phyl’s Angels: Priscilla Lembach and Kathy Powers
  • Preemie Quilts/Hats: Mary Anne Gast and Gayle Troccoli
  • Quilts of Valor: Robert St John, Teresa Prater
  • Room Setup: Daphna Flegal and Robert St John
  • Sit and Stitch: Jane Lyon, Liz Kubica, Daphna Flegal
  • Spring Retreat: Robyn Allen
  • State Fair: Julie Reynolds
  • Sunshine: Candice Hill and Sally Collier
  • Website: Marina Rawls